Friday 25 June 2010

It's just too crazy to comprehend

I've just been on the meso care on facebook and looked at a link that was posted about asbestos in Australia. It's scary to know that so any people just don't get the devastating effects of this substance. It only takes ONE FIBRE!!! I met a guy in the phone shop that had recently removed his dad's roof that had asbestos fibres in it and he hadn't worn the appropriate safety stuff. There needs to be a greater awareness of this disease. People need to understand that this is a fatal substance. It's a nasty, vial substance that has and will continue to kill people.

The more I look into mesothelioma and read patients stories, I realise how lucky my Dad is. God may not be healing him instantly but if you view the stories of others; technically my Dad shouldn't be here now. Yet he is here and is doing alright! :).. He has one more chemo session left and then we wait and see. I actually don't know what happens next or what will happen but I don't feel as though he will be leaving us anytime soon. I pray that this is not a false feeling. There are some stories of people surviving years with this! My Dad is going to be the first one cured. That's my goal.

My Dad will hopefully be well enough to come to my baptism on Sunday. I was hoping he would come earlier so that he can be prayed for. I trying to get enough courage to pray for him myself but I have this stupid fear of doing it wrong. Even though you can't get it wrong because God hears our hearts and so He'll know what we are trying to do. It's just quite scary to offer prayer to my Dad.

Before I found out about Dad's cancer, I had become a Christian. I remember telling my Mum and Dad this. They thought it was just a phase I was going through and weren't particularly impressed. I think they were worried that I was going to be brain-washed. I'm scared of that too though, which I think makes me question lots of what happens. Anyway, I was thinking about my baptism and how before all of this, I would have been quite nervous about inviting them to it. But I wasn't nervous about asking them. I really hope people pray for my Dad and that he lets them! God heals all the time so I don't see why He won't heal this. I love my Dad sooo much! He is the best. It just isn't right that he has this. It isn't right that this is happening to him. Come on God do something!!!!!

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